“Robby Poblete Foundation gave me support I needed to achieve independence.”
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“Robby Poblete Foundation gave me support I needed to achieve independence.”
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“I was released from prison a year ago and soon discovered the challenges of finding employment for the formerly incarcerated. Before I was released, my wife told me she had been in contact with a woman named Pati, who started a non-profit in honor of her son, Robby, to help people like myself get a career in the trades. This peaked my interest due to my previous welding training that I was unable to complete while incarcerated. As soon as I was released, the Robby Poblete Foundation began assisting me immediately…”
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“Robby Poblete Foundation has helped me start a new chapter in my life. They gave me an opportunity I could not afford monetarily but have been wanting to do for a very long time. The future has become brighter because of this. Some of the burden I walked with everyday has been lifted.”
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“RPF helped pushed me further toward accomplishing my goals.”
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Lauren was homeless when she came to RPF and wanted to go through an underwater welding program. She is the first RPF Loli Poblete Apprenticeship Scholarship for Women, and received a $1,000 check to go toward her training.
Outcome: Lauren graduated from the program and is now employed full time.
Kameron Witt was barely making enough to make ends meet when he came to a career fair co-hosted by RPF, where he filled out one of our apprenticeship surveys. He was accepted in an apprenticeship program for laborers and was given an RPF scholarship to cover his tools, apprenticeship fees and other on-the-job equipment.
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“The foundation has helped me through a lot, besides helping me get my equipment and the job, they have had the patience for me to join the job I’ve been dreaming of and made me rethink about life and giving me the patience to learn how to wait. Also it’s thanks to Alyssa with the Robby Poblete Foundation and their partners, Ken with the Ironworkers Apprenticeship program, and Danny with the Napa Solano Building Trades, who gave me the opportunity to do this and to start a new life and a real career, one that’s good for me. I’m grateful for meeting the people I did and for all the support and guidance through life.”
“Following my release from prison I was told right away that I needed to find a job. I applied at various locations but never had any luck. Either my lack of experience in the work field or my past convictions made employers look past me. Even if I did get hired, I still didn’t have a reliable source of transportation to get to work. RPF helped me obtain a reliable source of transportation and provided me with the support and resources I need to get a job in the trades. Because of RPF I am now employed and moving up in my company.”
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Curabitur quis rhoncus tellus, quis lorem ipsum dolorluctus. Curabitur laoreet fringilla lorem ipsum porta. Nullam rutrum velit.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus glavrida et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas ulla! Curabitur quis rhoncus tellus, quis lorem ipsum dolorluctus. Curabitur laoreet fringilla lorem ipsum porta. Nullam rutrum velit.
Maecenas sit ameus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas ulla! Curabitur lorem ipsum dolor quis rhoncus tellus, quis lorem ipsum dolorluctus…
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